At Brain · Body · Wealth we believe there are three key pillars to good mental health & wellbeing:
To unite (a person) with others (by ties of intimacy, common aims, or family relationship). Chiefly passive and reflexive.
As social creatures we thrive off social connection. However, when our mental health is deteriorated, it’s likely that we disconnect from those around us. Low mood will tell you to stay at home and not burden others, anxiety will tell you to avoid people at all costs. Therefore, it’s vital to act against this and connect with those who you know will fill your cup back up. However, relationships can be tricky and not always straightforward. Remember, when it comes to connecting with others quality is better than quantity.
For more ways to utilise the concept of connection head over to BBW’s scrapbook of resources.
intransitive. To engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than for a serious or practical purpose; to amuse or divert oneself; to engage in fun, games or merriment; (formerly also) to frolic, dance (obsolete). Now chiefly used of children or young animals.
Life is hard, stressful and oh so very serious. We are contending with a cost-of-living crisis, war, discrimination and much, much more. As the definition suggests, we often leave play to children. Something that we should most certainly challenge! Play is a great way to learn and develop skills as well as bring feelings of joy. It’s also important to note that playfulness isn’t necessarily about being silly and joking around, but more a lightness in the midst of all the seriousness.
For more information on reconnecting with your playful side, check out BBW’s scrapbook of resources.
transitive. In extended use: to care for and encourage the growth or development of; to foster, cultivate. Also: to cherish or treasure within oneself (a hope, feeling, etc.).
When our mental health has deteriorated it’s not unusual to neglect our personal needs. For example, we might eat less healthily, exercise less and reduce our levels of personal care (no longer showering regularly). Therefore, it’s vital that we ensure we meet our basic needs, such as: sleeping well, fuelling ourselves with nutritious foods, keeping hydrated and moving our bodies regularly.
Furthermore, as the definition highlights, nurture also refers to the encouragement of growth. Engaging in activities that allow us to grow and develop is really important for our mental health and wellbeing by giving us a sense of achievement.
The final part of the definition of nurture highlights the importance of cherishing and holding onto the feeling of hope. However, we know that hope can be hard to find when we are feeling rubbish. Try to connect with any glimmers of hope you can find or find others who can hold the hope for you.
You know the drill by now, if you want to learn more about nurturing yourself take a look at BBW’s scrapbook. We will see you over there!
We welcome you to take some time to play around and work your way through BBW’s scrapbook or mental health and wellbeing resources.
Join me online to follow along for regular mental health and wellbeing tips and Dr Gracie’s reflections and musings.